Decorating your life with Feng Shui, Astrology & Intuition
The Players of the Zodiac-
If you were born between November 22-December 21

Sagittarius~Susan Seddon Boulet
Soar ~ Christina Aguilera
• You are a Sagittarius~Ruled by Jupiter
• Your astrological symbol is The Archer
• Sagittarius is a fire sign
• Your magical birthstone is Turquoise~attracts love, protects from harm, and gives its wearer the ability to see into the future.
• Your flowers are Narcissus, Holly, and Dandelion
• Countries~ Spain, Hungary, Australia
• Parts of the body ruled by Sagittarius~ The liver, hips, and the thighs: Sagittarian' s need lots of outdoor exercise to keep healthy.
• Color Purple
•You are Optimistic
I SEE Sagittarius energy is about adventure and enthusiasm. It is philosophical in nature and loves to make sense out of disparate details. Sagittarius energy craves new and exotic experiences to feed its hunger for universal concepts it can assimilate into its quest for meaning. Unchecked Sagittarius energy tends toward over-enthusiasm to the point of recklessness. Sagittarius teaches the value of enthusiastically venturing beyond safe complacency.
The Fire Clan~
Sagittarius, you are enthusiastic and others may wonder, where does the endless optimism come from? Well, you are a fire sign. It is only natural to have the charisma and ability to attract others with it. Jupiter, the planet of luck and fortune also is your ruling planet. Ah, now we get it. Or do we?
Although others may think you have the knack to breeze through life unaffected by the evils and injustices of the world, that is just not true. You are just as affected by the cruelty, aggravations and heartache of life too. You just won't let it paralize you for longer
than necessary. Your brothers and sisters of the water or earth clan may have you beat when it comes to dwelling on things for too long. Not you Sag, your enthusiasm of fire begins to rekindle your spirit and you are back to being the energizer bunny, offering your light and hope back onto the world! You don't have time for depressing things!
You can be the greatest friend. You are always willing to help others out without "strings attached". You prefer it that way! You are tough to pin down emotionally which can make it tough for those wanting to be involved with you romantically. You are straightforward and honest in all of your dealings. Sometimes your bluntness may hurt the other more sensitive beings in your world but you are not malicious and if anyone sheds a tear, you feel TERRIBLE. Not that you will change your mind, what you said is still what you meant, you just do not do well with the "tearful" display, it almost freaks you out!
You can be hurt or angered by a thoughtless or careless action, though the person(s) may not realize they hurt your feelings immediately, they will know eventually!
You are so likeable, fun, and honest that others just enjoy being around you. You may have left some appointments forgotten, missed some deadlines, may even have some unfinished projects, no worries, it's just you. Yes, your emotions can seem shallow and your commitments can seem as if they don't exist. No matter, others seem to always forgive those things! Your heart is pure, you give unselfishly, you are a gem to have around! There is nothing you do that is underhanded so what's the big deal??? You are still one of the most charming and FUN signs of the zodiac!
One of the Great Teachers.
We love you Sagittarius!
***Famous Sag's***
Jimi Hendrix 11/27 Des'ree- 11/30,
Ben Stiller- 11/30, Britney Spears- 12/2
Jim Morrison- 12/8, SIA- 12/18
Steven Spielberg- 12/18, Christina Aguilera- 12/18
Jane Fonda- 12/21, Keifer Sutherland- 12/21
Hello ...Sagittarius Fire Jupiter in the Sun you are the optimist and will get the job done! No matter what month it is:)
Are you ready....?
Email Shari Nicole... intuitivedecor@gmail.com and let's have some fun!! New stargazers are always welcome>>always...... east coast..north /south.. west coast... Hello? We love you all. Smooches!
Remember Mt. Graham
Can you say Lucifer. http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/what-the-devil-scientists-tap-power-of-lucifer/
Remember Mt. Graham FIRE?
Remember the Phoenix "LIGHTS"?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Lights
Fatima Prophecies http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000626_message-fatima_en.html
PAST ~ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/14/hawaii-clears-land-use-for-the-thirty-meter-telescope/
And the Wise Ones pray every morning immediately after rising,"Heavenly Father, may I during this day and until I again close my eyes in sleep, not be made the instrument of JUDGEMENT against any brother or sister of mine."
quote from...The hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah by Elias Gewurz
God used the stars as an illustration of His promise to give Abraham an innumerable seed (Genesis 15:5). Thus, every time Abraham looked up at the night sky, he had a reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. The final judgment of the earth will be accompanied by astronomical events relating to the stars (Isaiah 13:9-10; Joel 3:15; Matthew 26:29).
Jesus/ Mary Controversyhttp://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biblianazar/esp_
“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. (Luke 11:9-10)
- Jesus Christ
***Music was"still working on music as a part of this website. You can adjust the volume at the bottom of the page.***Thank You! where did the music go?
Wondering as the curious KATS SO ARE WEEE> MEOW>
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