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Who, What and Why Intuitive Decor8?

Shari Nicole~Intuitive Astrologer

Song~In this Life~ Delta Goodrem

Decor8 your life and reawaken your passions with astrology.

IntuitiveDecor8 came to life because of my long time

passion for astrology, feng shui, psychology, love of home decor

and trusting in our intuition.

I believe in the power of intuition and how it can help guide us

in our lives. Astrology fuels my "fire for learning and


We are all intuitive.

We all continue to redecor8 our lives by continuously

growing and changing through all of life's challenges and joys.

It is only by these challenges and helping each other that,

sometimes the greatest gifts arise.

My interest in home decor led me to Feng Shui,

a passion I have had for many years. I decided to take my

fascination with Feng Shui to a new level by studying with

a teacher and became certified in Classical Feng Shui in 2007.

Feng Shui brings a unique flavor and understanding to our

surroundings and the elements that are found in nature.

When my first son was born in the sign of Cancer , my life

completely transformed.

I found my true love in life! Being a mom! When my son was

about 2 years old I came across a book based on children's sun

signs. That reignited an interest that I had years before in


I was amazed at the information. From that moment on, my

desire was to learn everything I could about this fascinating

subject. My youngest son was born in one of the other water

signs, Scorpio . It was fascinating, for me, to see the accuracy

astrology brought to their personalities.

Astrology is a lot more than just one's Sun sign. The Moon,

ascendant and other planets and placements of those planets

all have a very important part in the play of one's chart.

I enrolled in astrology courses in 2001 at the Astrological

Institute in Arizona. Joyce Jensen the founder of the school

passed away in 2002 and the school closed. I continued to

research, learn and experience all I could on this subject. Life's

lessons allowed me to experience astrology as much more than a

passing fancy! Astrology is not for everyone, but those that

have studied this Science/Art and experience it in

their life and the life of other's will in no doubt account for it's


I was fortunate to be reunited in 2007 with my teacher

Malcolm, from the Astrological Institute.

We finished our apprenticeship in 2009 and I was able to

advance in my astrological learning/career. I am a practicing

astrologer and incorporate Astrology, Feng Shui and

Life Experiences into my practice.

Astrology has become and remains to be a fascinating

and passionate part of my life. I hope it brings some light into

your lives, too!

Are you ready....? call us for astrology sessions:) 


Our website is in a new phase of the moon please be patient. Thank you..

Email Shari Nicole... and let's have some fun!! New stargazers are always welcome>>>always...... east coast..north /south.. west coast... Hello? We love you all. Smooches!

And the Wise Ones pray every morning immediately after rising,"Heavenly Father, may I during this day and until I again close my eyes in sleep, not be made the instrument of JUDGEMENT against any brother or sister of mine."

quote from...The hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah by Elias Gewurz

God used the stars as an illustration of His promise to give Abraham an innumerable seed (Genesis 15:5). Thus, every time Abraham looked up at the night sky, he had a reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. The final judgment of the earth will be accompanied by astronomical events relating to the stars (Isaiah 13:9-10; Joel 3:15; Matthew 26:29).

“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. (Luke 11:9-10)

- Jesus Christ

***Music was"still working on music as a part of this website. You can adjust the volume at the bottom of the page.***Thank You! where did the music go?

Wondering as the curious KATS SO ARE WEEE> MEOW>


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