Decorating your life with Feng Shui, Astrology & Intuition
The Players of the Zodiac- VIRGO THE VIRGIN
If you were born between August 23-September 22

Virgo~Susan Seddon Boulet
Beyonce~Gift from Virgo
• You are a Virgo-Ruled by the planet Mercury
• Your astrological symbol-THE VIRGIN
• Virgo is an earth sign
• Your magical birth stone-Sapphire which brings tranquility of mind and protects against illness and injury.
• Your flowers are-Morning Glory and Pansy
• Countries-Turkey, Greece, Crete, and West Indies
• Part of the body ruled by Virgo-The nervous system and the intestines
• Color-Navy Blue and Gray-Green
You are Conscientious
I ANAYZE Virgo energy is about bringing into reality the underlying perfection inherent in any concept. Virgo has a romantic desire to sweep away imperfections and bring to life pure expression. Reality often dashes these high ideals, but Virgo soldiers on in its quest. Unchecked Virgo energy has a tendency to be nit-picky and unutterably attentive to details. Virgo teaches the importance of competence.
The Earth Clan
Virgo, you enjoy adventure and mental stimulation. It may not be in your vocabulary to put off tomorrow, when you've got to finish today. In other words, you are organized, dependable, a hard and tireless worker. You do strive for the perfection of being organized. Or is it being organized for perfection? Your practical sense of what should be, sometimes interferes with your plans. Dear Virgo, try to relax once in a while, find some true happiness. You have to enjoy life as it is, imperfect. Yes, dare I say the word? IMPERFECT. Yes, you have always been ahead of your time when it comes to health matters, trends, what is "in," way before it is! In fact, if you did look forward during those moments of reflection instead of backwards, you would find much less time has been wasted. The past is gone, forever, you have this moment, try to be gentle with yourself, and the rest of us. There is no point in continuously thinking of what could have been, why something happened, what will happen next. Who the heck knows, no one! Try to not worry so much! In other words, take that day of play instead of work, just once in a while Virgo. You are a tireless and devoted worker. Your thoroughness is amazing, you also realize it is something you just can't seem to turn off! You, are a visionary and also practical. You never take your health for granted as some of the other clans might. Which you just do not understand. You will probably find the majority of vegetarians are born under the sign of Virgo! It is actually better suited to you, since you have a more delicate digestive system! Just remember, that means exercise is just as important for you as your eating practices! You always give so much of yourself, let others give to you too! Just know, all will be as it will be. You have so much to teach those of the other clans. If you can focus on all you have to offer and give, you will find your life becoming carefree and enjoyable. OK, maybe not carefree but enjoyable! You can teach some of the other clans a thing or two on being more practical, healthy and down to earth!
***A Few Famous Virgoans***
Blake Lively ~8/25, Alexander Skarsgard 8/25
Claudia Schiffer- 8/25, Sean Connery - 8/25
Michael Jackson- 8/29, Gloria Estefan- 9/1
Charlie Sheen- 9/3, Beyonce - 9/4
David Copperfield- 9/16, Faith Hill-9/21
Ricki Lake- 9/21, Mother Earth:)-9/22
We love you Virgo!
Hello ...Virgo The beauty that you see we also see in you, through your eyes of love. Mercury Earth Thank you.
Are you ready....?
Email Shari Nicole... intuitivedecor@gmail.com and let's have some fun!! New stargazers are always welcome>>>always...... east coast..north /south.. west coast... Hello? We love you all. Smooches!
Remember Mt. Graham
Can you say Lucifer. http://www.wnd.com/2013/01/what-the-devil-scientists-tap-power-of-lucifer/
Remember Mt. Graham FIRE?
Remember the Phoenix "LIGHTS"?http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Lights
Fatima Prophecies http://www.vatican.va/roman_curia/congregations/cfaith/documents/rc_con_cfaith_doc_20000626_message-fatima_en.html
PAST ~ http://www.engadget.com/2013/04/14/hawaii-clears-land-use-for-the-thirty-meter-telescope/
And the Wise Ones pray every morning immediately after rising,"Heavenly Father, may I during this day and until I again close my eyes in sleep, not be made the instrument of JUDGEMENT against any brother or sister of mine."
quote from...The hidden Treasures of the Ancient Qabalah by Elias Gewurz
God used the stars as an illustration of His promise to give Abraham an innumerable seed (Genesis 15:5). Thus, every time Abraham looked up at the night sky, he had a reminder of God’s faithfulness and goodness. The final judgment of the earth will be accompanied by astronomical events relating to the stars (Isaiah 13:9-10; Joel 3:15; Matthew 26:29).
Jesus/ Mary Controversyhttp://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/biblianazar/esp_
“And so I tell you, keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. (Luke 11:9-10)
- Jesus Christ
***Music was"still working on music as a part of this website. You can adjust the volume at the bottom of the page.***Thank You! where did the music go?
Wondering as the curious KATS SO ARE WEEE> MEOW>
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